About Whittington Music Festival

Our vision is to inspire, engage and entertain audiences of all ages through music of the highest quality performed with passion and professionalism.

Our objective is to provide a vibrant and ambitious programme of concerts through an annual festival with classical music at its core. 

  1. To present world-class music in Northwest Shropshire
  2. To welcome music lovers regardless of age, race, gender or disability
  3. To enrich lives through the healing and nurturing qualities of music
  4. To provide a residency for the musicians, conducive to the creativity and chemistry required for music-making of the highest level
  5. To pay musicians at recognised professional rates
  6. To keep ticket prices as low as possible whilst ensuring the financial viability of the festival.
  1. To support community development through a variety of outreach engagements
  2. To support the development of young artists
  3. To support composers and new music
  4. To engage new, especially younger, audiences

In just a few years Whittington Music Festival has built a reputation as one of the best provincial festivals of its kind in the UK.

This annual event takes place over four days in mid-May in the tranquil village of Whittington, in NW Shropshire close to the Welsh border.

  • Judy Greaves
  • Ria Hollis
  • Helen Hughes
  • Patricia Lowe
  • Debi Lumley-Edwards
  • Ursula Neil
  • Pam Parish

St John the Baptist Church
Our concert venue, St John the Baptist Church, Whittington.