Laura MacDonald, Cello

Cellist Laura MacDonald is currently studying for her Masters at the Guildhall School with Adrian Brendel, having graduated from the Royal Academy with First Class Honours and the Regency Award for outstanding performance. Most recently she participated in the IMS Prussia Cove masterclass, Rutesheim International Cello Academy and the Virtuoso Bel Canto Festival where she recorded a selection of Kurtag pieces for the festival. This summer she will attend the International Holland Music Sessions and ISA Kammermusik Academy. She has played in masterclasses with musicians including Steven Isserlis, Steven Doane, Leonid Gorokhov and Claudio Bohorquez.  A keen chamber musician, she plays with the Marigold Ensemble who were the St James’ Prize winners in 2020, resulting in performances at Milton Court Hall and St James’ Piccadilly.