Sue Turner, Cello

Sue was born in Blackpool and studied piano, singing and cello. After graduating from Nottingham University with a degree in Music and Languages, she trained as a teacher and worked in state schools in Harrow, London for 16 years. Eventually, she became head teacher of an independent secondary school where she remained until moving up to Shropshire in 2007.

At this point, after her own children had grown up, Sue stepped off the career ladder to become a foster carer, but at the same time she set up as a freelance music teacher in Oswestry. Until recently, Sue taught singing at Oswestry School as well as GCSE Music and some piano. She teaches a variety of vocal styles including classical and Musical Theatre and is a great believer in the therapeutic aspects of singing as well as the value of exams for those who wish to take them.

Sue is also the director of the annual Oswestry Youth Music Festival and runs her own youth choir, The Clefhangers. Sue is a trustee of local charity, Music Matters in Oswestry and the Borderlands (Music MOB), which aims to provide accessible instrumental and vocal music teaching to children in the local area.

In her spare time, Sue likes to learn new musical instruments, do marathon walks, travel to new countries and follow the fortunes of Blackpool FC.