Sylvie Reverdy, Cello

Born in Paris, Sylvie was inspired to play the cello by her first teacher Robert Salles who was the cellist of the famous ‘Quatuor Pascal’. After obtaining her ‘1er Prix à l’uninamité’ in cello and chamber music at the Conservatoire de Boulogne Billancourt, she did a post-graduate at the Guildhall School of music in London where she studied chamber music with Stefan Popov and Charles Tunnell. She started working as the principal cellist of the Ensemble Instrumental de Basse Normandie (in Caen) in 1982.

In 1988 on a course in Barcelona she met Lluis Claret, the famous Catalan cellist and godson of Pablo Casals. Lluis Claret was a real musical inspiration and Sylvie studied with him for three years. In Barcelona she also had the opportunity to participate in various masterclasses with Christophe Coin, Bernard Greenhouse and Janos Starker among others.

From 1989 to 1993 she was the regular cellist of the contemporary music group ‘Barcelona 216’ conducted by Ernest Martinez Izquierdo, and since then the lead cellist of the Chamber Orcquestra of Andorra, created by Gerard Claret. With this orchestra, she had the opportunity to play as a soloist in various festivals such as the festival Pau Casals in San Salvador, Spain, and Narcisso Yepes in Andorra.

For family reasons Sylvie moved to Shropshire and has been living in Oswestry since 2005. She has managed to carry on her activity in the Chamber Orquestra and in various chamber music groups, chamber music being a real passion. In 2015 she created the ensemble Cuerdas à l’Aire (string quartet, guitar and voice) with her cousin Isabel Laudenbach (guitar) and the Spanish singer Isabel Vinardell,. With this group, she has performed in the Palau de Musica (Barcelona), Menorca and France. Sylvie, alongside performing, always had a great interest in teaching and currently teaches cello at Oswestry School and Moreton Hall.